Mapping the brain

Scientists have created a brain ‘atlas’ for medical research
In a momentous scientific achievement, an international team of researchers working with the BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network (BICCN) have created the most detailed maps of the human brain ever made.
This ‘brain atlas’ offers a 3D view of our most complex organ and identifies over 3000 different types of brain cells.
Diverse medical applications
These maps will enable researchers to better understand not only how the brain works but how things go wrong in neurological diseases. This is because the maps show where different cells are located as well as how they talk to each other.
This will help scientists track where brain diseases start, identify biomarkers for early diagnosis, and test treatments that target specific brain areas.
Available for all
In the spirit of scientific progress, the brain atlas has been made open-access, allowing healthcare professionals and researchers globally to make use of the findings.
An interdisciplinary triumph
While there is much more research to be done, the BICCN project is a powerful example of the benefits of interdisciplinary research and puts us one step closer towards understanding neurological diseases and developing more personalised treatments.
For more information, please click here (external link).