London – UK Challenges
Support Encephalitis International
There are plenty of challenge events to choose from in the UK’s capital city. Whether you want to run, walk, cycle or take on a Tough Mudder, there is a great range of fun fundraisers on offer!
‘Push Yourself Further’ .
How to enter:
Walk, Jog or Run at your pace with a London-based Ultra Challenge®. With full support all the way, free food and drink at regular rest stops, medics and massage, these fantastically organised events offer the chance to ‘push yourself further’.
Fundraising options include ‘full sponsorship’ with minimum sponsorship targets, ‘mixed funding’ with lower targets, and ‘own place’ where you fundraise whatever you can.
London 2 Brighton Ultra Challenge – 100km, 75km, 50km, 25km
London Summer Walk – WALK ONLY 25km, 10km
Thames Path Ultra Challenge – 100km, 75km, 50km, 25km, 10km
Thames Bridges Trek – WALK ONLY 25km, 10km
Thames Moonlight 10 – WALK ONLY 10mile, 10km
To take on any other challenge based in London whilst supporting the work of Encephalitis International, you can sign up via our partners at Run For Charity.
Once your place is reserved by paying the Registration Fee to Run For Charity, it’s all about fundraising whatever you can for Encephalitis International.
How we can help:
Look out for an email from the Fundraising Team – we will be in touch so we can support you all the way!
We’ll send you:
Our helpful Fundraising Guide – full of ideas and top tips
Resources to help you raise awareness of your challenge
A lovely Encephalitis International t-shirt or running vest
We have plenty of experience to offer advice and answer your questions. Don’t hesitate to get in touch via or you can contact us via telephone by calling +44(0)1653 692 583.